Friday, February 17, 2017

Product Components

Health plan is the marketing name of a set of health care benefits or features. But there is a product at the bottom of every health plan. A product consists of several product components. These components are known as prefixes in Facets. The most important product component is Benefit Summary.

Insurance companies send benefit summary to policy holders. In Facets, users can access to Benefit Summary application of Facets from Actions menu of Facets. They can also use shortcut F6 to access to benefit summary information of product.

More update is coming soon.......

Friday, February 10, 2017

How to Login Facets?

Facets login means you are going to connect to some SQL Server. It depends on user's role in the company. Security system is very very strong. So, unauthorized user can never ever login to Facets application.
Generally, you will see Facets icon on your desktop. Most of the time , Facets is housed in Virtual Desktop. Double click on the Facets icon on your desktop, it will direct you what to do next. Let us suppose we want to login "Facets Medical Claims Processing + ITS" application in Testing Environment. Here Testing Environment means front end facets will be connected with"testing environment Server Name_SIT_facets.pzb".
When users will work in Facets in this environment, all data will come from this database and if user saves any data , the data will be stored in this database. When users process a claim and save it by pressing F4 button, facets will generate a claim ID automatically and claim id will be stored in this database. Later on, anybody can open that claim and review.
Sometimes, your company will give you user name and password to login facets as per your role in the company.
For Back End login, you must have access to the company's database. It varies company to company. Actually, for back end login, you will login to some version of SQL server. Facets is housed in SQL Server. If company grants you access to their database, you can access to database without any user name and password. Some company may give you user name and password to access their database.

Monday, February 6, 2017

How to Login Facets System in Earlier Versions

Facets login in earlier versions was a  little bit different as it is now. I am mentioning the steps that users followed in earlier versions.

Step 1: Click the Start button on your Taskbar to open the Start menu.

Step 2: Click on Facets Client in the Start menu. As per your company's configuration, a Facets window with File and Help menu will open on your screen.

Step 3: Click on File Menu

Step 4: Click on Open Database and select a database/product in which you have access, suppose abc.pzb

Step 5: Double click on abc.pzb. The Logon dialog box will be displayed as follows

Step 6. Enter your User Id and Password, then click OK button. Product Navigation window opens displaying three sections: Applications, Application Groups, and Open Forms.
Note: Both your User Id and Password are case sensitive.

Step 7: Select the application group you want by double clicking on its name in the Application Groups list box.

Step 8. Select the application you want by double-clicking on its name in the Applications list box

Facets Application Navigation Screen

When you log on to Facets, the Facets Application Navigation Screen will be displayed. This is called home page of Facets. From the ‘home page’, users will be able to move to all other sections of the Facets system. The home page is divided into two areas.
Ø  Application Tree
Ø  Display Area

Application Tree:
The Application Tree on the left of the screen is a list of all the possible application groups within Facets . If you double click on any application group, the applications of the application group will be displayed. It may be mentioned that only the applications required to perform your role in the system will be displayed. This is based upon your user profile and security levels.

Display Area:
When a user double click on an application of  an application group an application, the fields appear in the Display Area on the right.

Utilization Management Application Group

The Utilization Management group of applications automates the processing of pre-authorizing health care treatment prior to delivery, allows inquiries about multiple reviews without opening the reviews themselves, and tracks case management activity for each episode of care. The applications in this group are:
1. Case Management
2. Prospective UM
3. Provider Case Fees
4. UM Inquiry
5. UM Logging

Subscriber/Member Applications Group

The Subscriber/Member group of applications holds information about the individuals and employer groups who participate in insurance companies'health plans. These individuals are called either members or subscribers. The applications in this group are:
1. Area
2. COB Carrier
3. Eligibility Inquiry
4. Enrollment
5. Family Accumulator
6. Group
7. Institutions for Medicare Risk
8. Mass PCP Changes
9. Mass Plan Change
10. Member Accumulator
11. Member Notes
12. Parent Group
13. Quick Member
14. Quick PCP
15. Rating Inquiry
16. Related Entity
17. Responsible Person
18. Subgroup
19. Subscriber Notes
20. Subscriber/Family

Provider Applications Group

The Provider group of applications holds information about the providers who contract to deliver health care services to eligible enrollees. Facets distinguishes each provider as either a practitioner, facility, IPA, or provider group. The applications in this group are:
1. Common Practitioner
2. Facility
3. IPA
4. Network
5. Network Area
6. Network Group
7. Practitioner
8. Provider Group
9. Provider Notes
10. Provider Related Entity
11. Quick Facility
12. Quick Practitioner
13. Quick Provider Group