Sunday, February 5, 2017

Billing Application Group

Use the Billing group of applications to apply billing to different billing types. Facets allows healthcare payers to set up the billing entity, assign the entity to a group, define and calculate fees, define discounts and discretionary items, create a summary for the entity, and create statements and reports for subscriber-based billing and self-administered billing.
The applications available in this group are:

1. Batch Receipts
2. Bill Adjustments
3. Billing Carriers
4. Billing Entity
5. Billing Group
6. Billing Message Definition
7. Billing Profile
8. Billing Summary
9. Delinquency Definition
10. Discount Calculation
11. Discount Definition
12. Discretionary Billing Items
13. Fee Calculation
14. Fee Definition
15. Receipt History
16. Receipt Processing
17. Self-Billed Processing

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